Install Python dependencies

Go to your Blender python directory, e.g. /Applications/, install pip:

$ ./python3.10 -m ensurepip
$ ./python3.10 -m pip install --upgrade pip

Install ASE and scikit-image inside Blender:

$ ./pip3 install --upgrade ase

$ ./pip3 install scikit-image

Install batoms

  • Download the latest version (

  • Extract the file, move the folder batoms to Blender addons folder /Applications/

  • Enable the addon in the Preferences setting. Please open a Blender Python console, and run the following code to enable the batoms:

    import addon_utils
    import bpy
    addon_utils.enable('batoms', default_set=True)
    bpy.context.preferences.view.use_translate_new_dataname = False


Or, you can visit here to learn how to enable an addon by hand. If you can not find the Blender addons folder, please see the directory layout docs.

Test your installation

Start Blender, in the python console, run:

>>> from batoms import Batoms
>>> h2o = Batoms('h2o', species = ['O', 'H', 'H'],
...     positions= [[0, 0, 0.40], [0, -0.76, -0.2], [0, 0.76, -0.2]])

If you saw a water molecule, you have run a successful installation, congratulations!

Install batoms-api on your computer (Optional)

First install ASE on your computer. Open a terminal, and run:

$ pip3 install --upgrade ase
$ pip3 install batoms-api

Then set a BLENDER_COMMAND environment variables. One set these permanently in your ~/.bashrc file:

export BLENDER_COMMAND='<path-to-blender>/blender'