
The Lights object is used to store and set all parameters related with light.Possible keywords are: light_type, energy and direction and lock_to_camera.

You can print the default light by:

>>> ch4.render.lights

One can change parameters for a light by.

>>> ch4.render.lights["Default"].type = "POINT"
>>> ch4.render.lights["Default"].energy = 1000

One can remove or add a light by:

>>> ch4.render.lights.add("front", direction = [1, 0, 0])
>>> ch4.render.lights.remove("front")

Light direction

Light’s direction is based on the viewport of camera. Here is the coordinate system for ligh:

  • The viewport direction of camera is the z axis;

  • right side of camera is x axis;

  • up side of camer is the y axis;

Light type

  • SUN


  • SUN

  • SPOT

  • AREA