Cell panel

The Cell panel is used to set propeties related with the unit cell.



In the Cell parameters box, lattice parameters are input in by three axes: a, b, and c ( unit of Å).

Transformation of the unit cell

Transform crystal axes by specifying 4 × 4 matrix (first 3x3 is rotation and the last 3 × 1 is translation).

  • Select the objects.

  • Input the transformation matrix.

  • Clicking the Apply Transform.

The transformation matrix is also used to convert primitive lattice to complex lattice.


Supercell is special case of transformation. In this case, the rotation matrix is a diagonal matrix.

For example, we make a [4, 4, 1] supercell for a Au (111) surface.



Atoms are searched within a boundary defined by ranges along a, b, and c axes. Search atoms outside the boundary is controled by the search keyword in Bondsetting.