Lattice Plane and Crystal shape

The LatticePlaneSetting object controls various settings related with lattice plane data.

Lattice Plane

Here we show a example of inserting a lattice plane in the unit cell.

>>> from import bulk
>>> au = bulk("au", "Au", cubic = True)
>>> au.lattice_plane.settings[(1, 1, 0)] = {"distance": au.cell[0, 0]/np.sqrt(2)}
>>> au.draw()

One change a planesetting by.

>>> au.lattice_plane.settings[(1, 1, 1)].distance = 3.0
>>> au.draw()

Crystal shape

To build up crystal morphologies, the parameter crystal should be set to True. To change setting for a plane by:

>>> au.crystal_shape.setting[(1, 1, 1)] = {"distance": 8,
>>>                               "crystal": True,
>>>                               "symmetry": True,
>>>                               "color": [0, 0.2, 0.8, 1]}
>>> au.crystal_shape.setting[(0, 0, 1)] = {"distance": 10,
>>>                               "crystal": True,
>>>                               "symmetry": True,
>>>                               "color": [0.6, 0.2, 0, 1]}
>>> au.crystal_shape.draw()

When parameter symmetry is True, all the symmetrically equivalent indices are automatically generated.
